By Craig Alanson
For years, the ancient alien AI known as Skippy (the Magnificent, don’t forget that part) has been able to do one impossible thing after another. What is his secret? It’s simple: 100 percent Grade-A Extreme Awesomeness. And, also because he had never been faced with an opponent of equal power. Until now.
This time, he might need a little help from a band of filthy monkeys.
The stakes are higher!
The stakes has never been higher, after getting their very own sentinel, The Merry Band Of Pirates and earth has to deal with two senior species that does not exactly know what to make of earth, resentment is high, and the stakes are higher, because now they also have to start finding the Rogue AI.
Secrets and black ops
Alot of things are happening here, finally Joe is putting on his big boy pants, and he seems to be trying his best to think about the future, planning ahead, doing some sneaky shit to say the least.
With having to balance what he can say, and tell even his closest comrades, there are alot of surprises in this one, there is a lot of thrills, twists, and it keeps you guessing, what is happening? What are they up to?
It’s all worth it, and the ending makes me both happy and excited for the final book, I cannot wait for it!
It is definetely worth the read and your time.
My Rating
I rate it a 4.5 of 5, It is a great book, but he did deviate slightly from his previous books in his style, alot more is hidden from the reader, which is then explained after the fact. The execution is almost perfect, but still leaves something to desire. So 4.5.
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