The two hammers were made from large blocks of foam, which i glued together.
The angles i made on a small hobby band saw which worked perfectly for foam,
Basic build
After i cut the major pieces, I glued up the center, with reinforced cloth, which wrap the core, and pull the foam to it. And then finished with a piece of cloth on top of that.
This way it should last a lot longer, be more durable when used in larping and overall hopefully not release from the core.
Adding the ends
With the base build, and the angled pieces cut, including the soft foam, it glued it together, and now i had the basic shape of the hammers. On to details…
Although the details might be basic, they give alot to the overall feel and look.
I Covered the connection between the soft white foam and the gray foam, whith a single piece of foam. On top of that I added round slices for decoration.
Then the skull and cross was added which was simply cut from a couple of 6mm. pieces and sanded to shape. Finished off with burning in the craps as texture.
The larger hammer
The bigger of the two, got a couple of extra details, again in 6mm. foam. Alot can be done with a burner and a dremmel, when it comes to the details!
I also finished up the handles and “shaft”, with wood textureing, which was made first by rough carving the base, and then with a dremmel adding the final texture.
Basic paintjob, with metal and wood finish. The handles were later wrapped with leather.