So i really needed a place for storage, and a place to sav stuff. But it also had to have wheels.
So again, i turned to Pinterest. And i found these two.
I was a bit limited on budget, so i couldn’t afford all the plywood i would need, so the shelfs i had to cut down. But it worked out fine so far.
I made the body from 24mm. plywood which i glued together. I also just got a router, which means i just had to use it for this. So i routed out the groves for each small shelf.
Then i just glued it all up and screwed it together with pocket holes.
The top was made from 37x57mm. glued together, but since it was smaller i thought i could just glue it and clamp it, without dowels or any other support. Which proved to be a major mistake, since it immediately bowed upwards.. Luckily i had an electric hand planer, so i just got to work and got it straight.
I finished with burning and oil and the tops finish, and then mounted my saw with bolts.